Thursday, February 10, 2011

Vincent Lo - Concerto Grosso in F Major

Surprise! For the past few months, I have been working on composing a Baroque concerto grosso. It was a wonderful learning process requiring many discussions and reading sessions between myself and various friends from the SFUCO. As I have expanded my writing to winds this time, there were many new fun challenges to tackle and it has been an immensely enjoyable experience. So anyways, enjoy and leave comments as you please.

i. Allegro ma non troppo.
ii. Largo.
iii. Menuetto - Trio - Menuetto inverso

PREFACE. This piece was composed for the Simon Fraser University Chamber Orchestra and I started the project in December 2010. Having composed my first violin concerto not long ago last summer, I decided to expand my instrumentation to incorporate winds into my next work. Having studied the Brandenburg Concertos of Bach, I was inspired to compose a concerto grosso in a similar style with my own personal touch.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. I would like to thank George Chung (violin), Rei Miyasaka (violin), Jerry Yon (cello), Grandy Chu (cello), Colin Hume (horn), Fatima Lee (basoon), and Maia Smith (oboe) for dedicating their time to review my writing on request. And once again, I would like to thank the entire Simon Fraser University Chamber Orchestra for inspiring me to take on this project.

Vincent Lo Monday, January 31, 2011


Unknown said...

Just came across your piece on youtube and then discovered your site. Really like this piece as I love baroque music and play the baroque flute as a serious hobby. Love JS Bach too!

Great work!

Simeon de Roos said...

Really nice work. Did you notice that your Menuet is sounding like 3rd movement of Bachs 1. Brandenburg Concerto ? ;)

Vincent Lo said...

Yes, I noticed that afterward! I was wondering where I heard that before ... but by that time, I was already half done, so I decided to tweak it so that it's somewhat less similar.